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jeu. 10 avr. 2025 - 17:00
The Wiltern, Los Angeles, CA
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The Wiltern
3790 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90010
jeu. 10 avr. 2025 - 17:00
En vente: ven. 6 déc. 2024 - 15:00

Biographie : In Flames

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Perhaps one of the big clichés, but unusually evident when it comes to In Flames and their new album ’Siren Charms’.

To lose one of the musical engines of a band usually means a ticket to the graveyard of bands for an eternal rest among abandoned careers and reasonably forgotten last albums. Sure, history has proven the opposite once or twice - but one ...


Biographie : Unearth

Countless bands have been inspired by the abundance of radio-friendly hooks and choruses surfacing in today's popular metalcore. Unearth are the exception. While other groups have been motivated to make their songs more commercial, Unearth have gone the opposite direction. III: In the Eyes of Fire isn't just heavy, it's downright brutal - a menacing combination of speed, precision and intensity ...Plus

Biographie : Lacuna Coil

The year is 2014, and the album is ‘BROKEN CROWN HALO’ – it marks the latest chapter in the ongoing LACUNA COIL legacy, a dark and sultry ride that started in Italy and has resonated in an opaque wake of sonic splendor throughout the world.

Time has been good to LACUNA COIL, who are a flagship band on Century Media Records and a proven commodity worldwide, in the past two years alone having ...


Biographie : Machine Head

Metal is the music of the outcast, the rebel and the steely-eyed foot soldier. Its principles, values and atavistic power have made life worth living for millions over the last four decades and its inherent artistry continues to ensure that declaring oneself a metalhead is an act of intense, unerring pride. But every worthwhile musical subculture needs its heroes; its standard bearers and ...



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