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Mo. 26 Mai 2025 - 18:30 CDT
The Cotillion, Wichita, KS
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The Cotillion
11120 W. Kellog
Wichita, KS 67209
Mo. 26 Mai 2025 - 18:30 CDT

Biografie: Static-X

Calling Static-X the Terminator of contemporary rock music may seem like an obvious comparison: The band's blunt-force-trauma melding of industrial rock, thrash metal and futuristic disco is nothing if not cybernetic. But when you look back at Static-X's 13-year legacy, the comparison goes well beyond the musical: Since the 1999 release of their platinum-certified Warner Bros. debut, Wisconsin ...Mehr

Biografie: Dope

Dope has finished their spring tour of the United States, the tour, which took place over two months, included 22 dates. Tripp Lee played live on bass with the band (although Brix is still listed, and seems doubtful that he will return) and a new drummer named Angel, formerly of Pig and The Genitorturers has joined.

The band are currently working on their fifth album, entitled No Regrets. The ...Mehr

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