Static-X Dates
Mon May 26, 2025 - 6:30 PM
The Cotillion, Wichita, KS
Wed May 28, 2025 - 6:30 PM
The Pageant, St. Louis, MO

Static-X Biography

Calling Static-X the Terminator of contemporary rock music may seem like an obvious comparison: The band's blunt-force-trauma melding of industrial rock, thrash metal and futuristic disco is nothing if not cybernetic. But when you look back at Static-X's 13-year legacy, the comparison goes well beyond the musical: Since the 1999 release of their platinum-certified Warner Bros. debut, Wisconsin Death Trip, the Los Angeles quartet have weathered musical trends, survived lineup shifts, and even severed longtime creative partnerships to emerge as the streamlined metallic machine they are today; and with their fifth studio album, Cannibal, they sound positively indestructible. Besides looking ahead to spending the next year on the road in support of Cannibal, the terminally creative Static says he's already begun writing the band's next album (one of the benefits of having your own studio); but perhaps more importantly, he's looking forward to hanging onto the pure, uninhibited energy that ...

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