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Chippewa Valley Country Fest
24447 County Highway S
Cadott, WI 54727
Sat 19 Jul 2025 - 11:00 CDT

Bio: Three Days Grace

When it came time to choose an album title for the follow-up to Three Days Graces 2006s platinum-certified One-X, the four band members thought the phrase life starts now summed things up pretty well. The new album is basically a commentary on the last couple years of our lives, says drummer Neil Sanderson. Things have been fairly traumatic for more than one of us. We've all had to confront ...


Bio: Ja Rule

As the flagship artist for producer Irv Gotti's Def Jam-affiliated Murder Inc. label, Ja Rule became one of the rap industry's most commercially successful artists during the early 2000s, working closely with the hitmaking producer and his stable of talent. Born Jeffrey Atkins on February 29, 1976, in Queens, New York, Ja Rule established himself with Venni Vetti Vecci (1999), a hardcore debut ...


Bio: Poppy

In the year 2014 a small doll like creature emerged from Youtube.com.

Is she a human? Android? Cross breed?

Will we ever know? 

Thanks to her video titled "I'M POPPY” (that has now been viewed over 10 million times) we know one thing is for sure, She’s Poppy!

With several hundred videos under her belt (this year) and hundreds of millions of views on YouTube, Poppy prepares to release her ...


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