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Fri 6 Jun 2025 - 19:00 EDT
Van Andel Arena, Grand Rapids, MI
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Van Andel Arena
130 Fulton West
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
(616) 742-6600
Fri 6 Jun 2025 - 19:00 EDT

Bio: Coheed and Cambria

The multi-dimensional, progressive-rock band, Coheed and Cambria announced today that they will be touring the US this spring, performing their landmark third album, "Good Apollo, I’m Burning Star IV: From Fear Through The Eyes of Madness", in its entirety. The tour, entitled NEVERENDER GAIBSIV, will take the band across North America commencing on April 11, and ending May 20, and including ...


Bio: Mastodon

Mastodon have never really done anything the “conventional” way. The Atlanta-based band formulated their own brand of highly-skilled hard rock over a decade ago when others were rehashing 80s metal, and went on to mastermind a string of complex concept albums while much of the music world was centered on making digestible singles. The fact that Mastodon has received an outpouring of critical ...More

Bio: Periphery

The process of innovation doesn’t sit still or sleep. Instead, it relies on constant motion. In 2015, Periphery landed two albums in the Top 20 of Billboard’s Top 200 chart as Juggernaut: Alpha and Juggernaut: Omega respectively bowed at #15 and #16 during the same week. Meanwhile, the intertwined conceptual epic garnered praise from Rolling Stone, Alternative Press, Outburn, and more. Only ...


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