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Wed 23 Apr 2025 - 19:00 CDT
NRG Stadium, Houston, TX
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NRG Stadium
NRG Pkwy
Houston, TX 77054
Wed 23 Apr 2025 - 19:00 CDT

Bio: Kendrick Lamar

The moment that signalled 25-year-old Top Dawg Entertainment artist Kendrick Lamar's rise from West Coast underground cult hero to mainstream superstar happened on stage at a hometown concert in during the summer of 2011. With Dr. Dre looking down from the balcony seats, Lamar was joined on stage by Snoop Dogg, Kurupt, and Game. Those West Coast icons, gangster rap torchbearers for two decades, ...


Bio: SZA

SZA envelopes your soul at first listen. Coveting a special innocence about her, the Maplewood native laces her music with soul-quenching traces of seductive allure. It's truly the subtleties that make a difference though; the floral imagery, the small touches on her production, her concise yet intense songwriting. It all molds together to form this beautiful package.

"I was raised on a lot of ...


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