Steel Panther
Steel Panther Dates

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Steel Panther Biography

With a milkman like work ethic, Steel Panther may just be the hardest working men in show business. Their formal debut Feel the Steel also hit #1 on Billboard’s Top Comedy Albums Chart. They’ve sold out shows worldwide from Australian to the UK’s iconic Brixton Academy, as well as appearing on festivals such as Download and Rock on the Range. Historical milestones include being the oldest heavy metal band to snag a major label deal and the only band to consistently play weekly on the Sunset Strip for an unprecedented thirteen years straight. Moreover, rock luminaries ranging from Aerosmith’s Steven Tyler and KISS’s Paul Stanley to Slipknot’s Corey Taylor, Linkin Park’s Chester Bennington, and Rage Against the Machine’s Tom Morello have all partied with the Panther on stage. Meanwhile, this fearsome foursome has also appeared on Dancing With the Stars, Bad Girl’s Club and a web campaign for the big screen adaptation of Rock of Ages.

Ultimately though, they’re not stopping anytime soon. ...


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