LP Moon Hooch Series for DISCO 7447 7321 testing

Series Details  

These events may include resale tickets with prices set by resellers. These prices may exceed face value.
Wed Aug 26, 2026 - 1:33 PM
CLE Psst 01 Moon Hooch
Quicken Loans Arena, Cleveland, OH
Wed Aug 26, 2026 - 1:33 PM
General ticket: CLE Psst 01 Moon Hooch
Quicken Loans Arena, Cleveland, OH
Wed Aug 26, 2026 - 1:33 PM
Accessible ticket: CLE Psst 01 Moon Hooch
Quicken Loans Arena, Cleveland, OH
Wed Aug 26, 2026 - 1:33 PM
Moon Hooch Sponsor Discount (Private): CLE Psst 01 Moon Hooch
Quicken Loans Arena, Cleveland, OH
Wed Aug 26, 2026 - 1:33 PM
New Promo Moon Hooch (Not Private): CLE Psst 01 Moon Hooch
Quicken Loans Arena, Cleveland, OH
Wed Aug 26, 2026 - 1:33 PM
DISCO 7447 Custom PDP: CLE Psst 01 Moon Hooch
Quicken Loans Arena, Cleveland, OH
Wed Aug 26, 2026 - 1:33 PM
CLE Psst 01 Moon Hooch
Quicken Loans Arena, Cleveland, OH
Wed Jul 7, 2027 Cancelled
backfill Cancelled 1 Sacramento
Discovery Park, Sacramento, CA
Fri Nov 1, 2030 - 9:00 PM
General ticket: LP Presale Onsale 3 - Forever Onsale
LP Venue Default 5 min, Anaheim, CA
Fri Nov 1, 2030 - 9:00 PM
Accessible ticket: LP Presale Onsale 3 - Forever Onsale
LP Venue Default 5 min, Anaheim, CA
Sat Nov 2, 2030 - 6:00 PM
General ticket: LP Presale Onsale 4 - Forever Presale
LP Violet Venue VV - No Waiting Room, Santa Monica, CA
Sat Nov 2, 2030 - 6:00 PM
Accessible ticket: LP Presale Onsale 4 - Forever Presale
LP Violet Venue VV - No Waiting Room, Santa Monica, CA
Thu Feb 20, 2031 - 6:27 PM
LP Presale Onsale 6 PRIVATE
LP Violet Venue VV - No Waiting Room, Santa Monica, CA
LP Presale Onsale TBD
LP Violet Venue VV - No Waiting Room, Santa Monica, CA

Series Details

LP Moon Hooch Series for DISCO 7447 7321 testing

Wed Aug 26, 2026 - 1:33PM
Wed Jul 7, 2027
Fri Nov 1, 2030 - 9:00PM
Sat Nov 2, 2030 - 6:00PM
Thu Feb 20, 2031 - 6:27PM
Additional Dates TBD


DISCO-7447 DISCO-7321 Series Description  Moon Hooch is an American band from Brooklyn, New York, known for their dance-oriented percussion- and saxophone-based music. The band consists of saxophonists Wenzl McGowen and Michael Wilbur, and drummer Cyzon Griffin. The two woodwind players, along with original drummer James Muschler, met while attending The New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music, and got their start busking in New York City Subway stations.

Their self-titled debut album was released in 2013 and peaked at number 9 on the Billboard Jazz Albums chart. Their second album This Is Cave Music was released on September 16, 2014. and reached number 5 on the Billboard Jazz Albums chart.
The band first started busking in 2010, playing in front of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The band started out playing mostly jazz, but then moved to dance music after a better audience reception. Later, they decided to busk in the New York City Subway. In the process they were banned from the Bedford Avenue station by the NYPD, who tried to prevent people from dancing on the platform edge.[1] In 2011, they appeared as the house band on the Australian TV series Hamish and Andy's Gap Year where they were re-christened "The Busketeers".[2] Their album artwork is designed by Ari Michael Warner.


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