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ons 19 nov. 2025 - 19:30 CET
Uber Arena, Berlin, Germany
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Uber Arena
1 Uber Platz
Berlin, Germany 10243
ons 19 nov. 2025 - 19:30 CET

Biografi: Jamiroquai

A decade and a half is a long time to be at the top of your game; no matter what that game might be. In music, it's a near impossibility. While many set off as next big things, few stay the distance to arrive as genuine international icons. After 15 years, 159 weeks on the UK singles chart, 232 weeks on the albums chart, more than 20 million album sales and five mammoth world tours - playing to 5 million people in 38 countries - it's fair to sat that Jay Kay, the quick stepping 37 year-old professionally known as Jamiroquai, has finally made it.

What's more, he's got the 6 multi-platinum albums, 5 MTV awards, the Grammy, the Ivor Novello and enough lurid tabloid headlines to prove it. And now, just in case there was any doubt, he's got 'High Times - The Singles 1992-2006", a singles collection which rams home the point and tracks the decade and a half journey via his irresistible rare groove and unmistakable barbed disco.

A year later, Kay & Co continued to carve their own very distinct niche with second album, 'Return of the Space Cowboy'. Through a haze of drugs and frustration its darker grind and jaded inner-city social commentary established Jamiroquai as the face of British Urban music. Still to this day the song 'Return of the Space Cowboy' is Kiss FM's most played track of all time. Enough said really.

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