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sön 21 sep. 2025 - 19:00 GMT
Usher Hall, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
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Usher Hall
Lothian Road
Edinburgh, United Kingdom EH1 2EA
sön 21 sep. 2025 - 19:00 GMT

Biografi: Level 42

Level 42 took the 1980s by storm with their brand of bass driven jazz funk that came from the underground soul scene of wedge hair cuts, pegged trousers, sharp shoes and soul patrols. They led a band of UK 'funksters' and soul acts that for a time changed the face of the street scene in Britain, dovetailing with the start of the commercial New Romantic movement Two Tone and the dying embers of punk.

The band's funk-influenced riffs were as much a part of the decade's culture as shoulder pads, puffed hair, red braces and the Rubik's cube, but the revolution started in the Isle of Wight when Mark King, Phil and Boon Gould and the all-important keyboard electricity of Mike Lindup joined forces and were soon spotted by indie label Elite - then subsequently by label giants Polydor.

1981 saw them breakthrough into the hearts and minds of all soul-funk lovers with Turn It On, Love Games and Starchild, these underground hits cementing their arrival as a true musical force. They paved the way for a period of sustained hits including The Sun Goes Down, Hot Water, Something About You (US top 10), and Lessons in Love (#1 in 17 countries) that marked them down as one of the decade's most revered live acts.

The band left a legacy amongst a generation of 70s teenagers who had been bought up on US funk and disco that said there was life on the UK scene with home grown acts; their music has been regularly remixed and they continue to have their bass lines and keyboard melodies interpreted by present day acts.

The last few years have seen the release of Retroglide, a studio album, and a UK and European tour, plus two summers of headlining jazz festivals across Europe and the Far East.

For more info go to www.level42.com

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