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Fri 2 May 2025 - 4:30 pm
The National, Richmond, VA
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The National
708 East Broad Street
Richmond, VA 23219
(804) 612-1900
Fri 2 May 2025 - 4:30 pm
Onsale: Sun 5 Jan 2025 - 6:00 pm

Bio: Dying Fetus

In 1995, DYING FETUS self-released, promoted and distributed their first album, ‘Infatuation With Malevolence.’ In support of the album, the band toured the Eastern U.S., including a high-profile performance at the CMJ Music Convention at New York’s Lincoln Center. DYING FETUS also represented death metal as a genre on a panel at the convention.
In 1996, DYING FETUS‘ second album, Purification ...

Bio: Cradle of Filth

Throughout the '90s, Cradle of Filth beavered tirelessly away, producing a series of peerless extreme metal classics that drew from an endless, dizzying array of inspirations and influences while always maintaining that instantly recognizable heart of filthy darkness. The current line-up of Dani Filth, guitarists Paul Allender and Charles Hedger, bassist Dave Pybus and drummer Adrian Erlandsson ...More

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