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Drake & Migos: Aubrey & The Three Migos Tour tickets at Pepsi Center in Denver
Drake & Migos: Aubrey & The Three Migos Tour
Pepsi Center, Denver, CO
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Drake & Migos: Aubrey & The Three Migos Tour
Pepsi Center
1000 Chopper Circle
Denver, CO 80204
Onsale: Fri 15 Jun 2018 - 10:00 am

Bio: Drake

Drake continued to recognize a close affiliation with Lil Wayne's Young Money Entertainment before officially signing with the record label in June 2009. His first studio album, Thank Me Later, is expected to be released on the label sometime in 2010. At only the beginning of his musical career, Drake has already worked with hip-hop moguls Lil' Wayne, Birdman, Kanye West, Eminem, and Jay-Z. With ...


Bio: Migos

MIGOS is a rap trio from the Atlanta suburb of Gwinnett County, consisting of members Quavo, Offset, and Takeoff. In 2013, their hit song “Versace” was remixed and popularized by Drake, leading to a lengthy stay on the Billboard Hot 100, and inclusion on The Rolling Stones, XXL , and Pitchfork ’s top songs of 2013 lists.
Migo’s list of collaborations includes stars such as Justin Bieber, Young ...


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