RX Bandits
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RX Bandits Biography

We intend on making original-honest-thought provoking music. RX Bandits sincerely hope as many people as possible can open their minds enough to see past trends. Our music breathes when it hits YOUR ears.

Metamorphic rock outfit RX Bandits will release their latest effort, Mandala, on July 14th 2009 via Sargent House. The much anticipated follow-up to 2006's ...And The Battle Begun echoes the sentiments of a band who not only look to trump their previous efforts, but add a new chapter to the volume.

The songs that make up Mandala highlight a more rock-oriented four-piece, scaling down the use of horns to create a new twist to their constantly evolving dynamic. That focus is illustrated further by the evocative artwork designed by visual artist Sonny Kay. In an age where taking risks and being fearless can make or break you, RX have emerged as a tidal wave, a force that shatters all the boundaries set against them. Over their decade long career, the band have drawn from numerous genres


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