The Teskey Brothers
The Teskey Brothers Dates
Thu 26 Jun 2025 - 7:00 pm
Wolverhampton Civic Hall, Wolverhampton, United Kingdom
Tue 1 Jul 2025 - 7:00 pm
Usher Hall, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

The Teskey Brothers Biography

Sam and Josh Teskey discovered American soul music of the 1960's via their parents' record collection and were immediately taken. As teenagers, the two brothers jammed night after night in the bungalow behind their family home on the outskirts of Melbourne, devouring the R&B songbook and absorbing the tricks of the blues trade. In their obsession, the pair became accomplished players and soon began writing originals, a process which came naturally to them both.

In 2008, they joined with Liam Gough (drums) and Brendon Love (bass) to form The Teskey Brothers. The group spent the next eight years cutting their teeth in Melbourne city-fringe pubs and backyard party jams, honing the old-school Motown soul sound and working it into something of their own. At last in 2016 the band emerged from their home studio with a self-produced debut album Half Mile Harvest.

The record was released independently in January 2017 and despite a low-key release campaign it immediately gained attention. Co



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