Old Crow Medicine Show
Old Crow Medicine Show Dates
Wed 9 Apr 2025 - 7:30 pm
Ruth Eckerd Hall, Clearwater, FL
Thu 8 May 2025 - 5:00 pm
Chevalier Theater, Medford, ME

Old Crow Medicine Show Biography

Kevin Hayes - Guitjo and Vocals
Chance McCoy - Guitar, Fiddle, Banjo, Vocals
Cory Younts - Mandolin, Keyboards, Drums and Vocals
Ketch Secor - Fiddle, Harmonica, Banjo and Vocals
Morgan Jahnig - Upright Bass
Critter Fuqua - Slide Guitar, Banjo, Guitar and Vocals

Old Crow Medicine Show started busking on street corners in 1998 New York state and up through Canada, winning audiences along the way with their boundless energy and spirit. They eventually found themselves in Boone, North Carolina where they caught the attention of folk icon Doc Watson while playing in front of a pharmacy. He invited the band to play at his festival, MerleFest, helping to launch their career. Shortly thereafter the band was hired to entertain crowds between shows at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville, TN.

It's been over fifteen years since these humble beginnings. The band has gone on to receive the honor of being inducted as members of the Grand Ole Opry, and have won two Grammy Awards: "Best Folk Album" for Remedy


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