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LP CMS Only Event tickets at Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland
Tue Apr 27, 2027 - 6:16 PM
QA records
LP CMS Only Event
QA team SK-Performer for Team2
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QA records

QA records
LP CMS Only Event
QA team SK-Performer for Team2
Quicken Loans Arena
One Center Court
Cleveland, OH 44115
Tue Apr 27, 2027 - 6:16 PM
Doors Open: 5:16 PM
Onsale: Mon Apr 26, 2021 - 7:30 PM

Bio: LP

From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LP_(singer)

Music doesn’t have to be complicated.

At the end of the day, it’s all about being honest, taking no B.S., and getting right back up after every fall. New York-born singer, songwriter, and all-around rock rebel LP puts it even more succinctly, “I go Johnny Cash on that shit and just get through it.”

Like the Man in Black, she pens and performs ...More

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