The Weather Station
The Weather Station Dates
Thu 8 May 2025 - 8:00 pm
Teragram Ballroom, Los Angeles, CA
Mon 12 May 2025 - 8:00 pm
Mississippi Studios, Portland, OR
Mon 7 Apr 2025 - 8:00 pm
The Grey Eagle, Asheville, NC
Tue 8 Apr 2025 - 8:00 pm
The Basement East, Nashville, TN

The Weather Station Biography

The Weather Station is the fourth—and most forthright—album by The Weather Station, the project of Toronto songwriter Tamara Lindeman. Her most fully realized statement to date, it is a work of profound urgency, artistic generosity, and joy. Self-titled and self-produced, the album unearths a vital new energy from Lindeman’s acclaimed songwriting practice, marrying it to a bold new sense of confidence.

“I wanted to make a rock and roll record,” Lindeman explains, “but one that sounded how I wanted it to sound, which of course is nothing like rock and roll.” The result is a spirited, frequently topical tour de force that declares its understated feminist politics, and its ambitious new sonic directions, from its first moments. On past records, Lindeman has been a master of economy. Here her precisely detailed prose-poem narratives remain as exquisitely wrought as ever, but they inhabit an idiosyncratic, sometimes disorderly, and often daring album that feels, and reads, like a collectio...


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