The Righteous Brothers
The Righteous Brothers Events Near You
Tue Apr 1, 2025 - 8:00 PM
Taft Theatre, Cincinnati, OH

The Righteous Brothers Biography

Blue-eyed soul pioneers The Righteous Brothers are back! With a string of #1 classics,
including the most played song in radio history, You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’, the
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame duo of Bill Medley and Bobby Hatfield topped the charts in
four decades. After Bobby’s death in 2003, Bill Medley continued to perform to sold-out
crowds around the world, but fans and friends pleaded with him to keep The Righteous
Brothers alive. Says Medley … No one could ever take Bobby’s place, but when I caught
Bucky Heard’s show it all came together – I found the right guy to help me recreate the
magic. The concert experience features their biggest hits – Lovin’ Feelin’, Soul &
Inspiration, Unchained Melody, Rock and Roll Heaven, Medley’s Grammy-winning
Dirty Dancing theme The Time of My Life, and much, much more!
The Bill Medley/Bucky Heard pairing came as something of a happy accident.
Medley says it just seemed right … I’d been friends with Bucky for years, but when I
caught his show he j



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