Asleep At The Wheel
Asleep At The Wheel Dates
Sat Apr 19, 2025 - 8:00 PM
Charleston Music Hall, Charleston, SC
Fri Jun 13, 2025 - 8:00 PM
The Heights Theater, Houston, TX

Asleep At The Wheel Biography

Can a wheel reinvent itself while it's still rolling?

Sounds like an impossible task -- but you never want to say "impossible" to Asleep at the Wheel, the famed western-swing, boogie, and roots-music outfit that's, amazingly, still on the upswing. That's saying something, too, considering the group's been around for nearly 40 years, turning out an incredible 25+ albums while playing an unrelenting schedule of one-nighters that would make a vaudevillian dizzy.

"In terms of how many people we played for, what we accomplished, and how much money we made " well, we didn't make any money " this year was absolutely our best year ever," says Wheel founder and front man Ray Benson with a chuckle.

And even as the Wheel rolled on, the reinvention had begun. You could see and hear it in their live shows, where new vocalist Elizabeth McQueen invited comparison with the classic female vocalists of the band's earlier era, and fiddler-singer Jason Roberts gave the band a second male lead voice to com...


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