Lil Wayne
Lil Wayne Dates

Lil Wayne Biography


Although there has been much debate on the subject of who is or who isn't the "King of the South," Lil Wayne isn't worried about all the fuss as to who really lays claim to the title. As a veteran rap star, budding entrepreneur, and young scholar studying psychology at theUniversityofHouston,Wayne's experience in the rap game, coupled with his amazing growth as an individual has placed him in a position only a handful of people in this industry reach.

Wayne, 23, was born and raised inNew Orleans' notorious 17th Ward in a neighborhood called Hollygrove. As a child, the aspiring rapper listened to and idolized early Cash Money recording artists like Pimp Daddy and UNLV, who he cites as some of his early influences. A few years later,Waynemet Cash Money CEOs Ronald "Suga Slim" andBryan"Baby" Williams (The Birdman) who would take him under their wings and help mold him into a prolific and profound artist. In 1995 at the age of 12,Waynemade his debut on Cash Money recording artist B....


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