Gaither Vocal Band
Gaither Vocal Band Dates
Mon Apr 28, 2025 - 7:00 PM
Bell Auditorium, Augusta, GA

Gaither Vocal Band Biography

This fall, legendary performers and rising stars will kick off the new decade as the Gaither Homecoming Tour 2010 brings a celebration filled with the very best in contemporary Gospel across the country. Presented by AEG Live, The Gaither Homecoming Tour 2010 kicks off on Thursday, September 9 in Cedar Park (Austin) Texas, followed by cities coast-to-coast.

For additional tour information, ticket on-sale dates and to purchase tickets online, visit:

For nearly half a century, multiple Grammy and Dove award winner Bill Gaither has been a musical trailblazer. His reputation as a performer, songwriter, and mentor for newly-discovered artists is known world-wide. Despite the music industry's current state of flux, Gaither's beloved series of Homecoming CDs and DVDs continue to top the charts and attract an ever-increasing audience. Whether you are a brand new fan or a longtime lover of feel-good Gospel music, don't miss this incredible concert experience.

"In times like these


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