Benise Dates
Fri Sep 19, 2025 - 7:30 PM
Golden State Theatre, Monterey, CA

Benise Biography

Rarely is an artist capable of touching the hearts and souls of people of all ages, cultures, and diverse musical backgrounds as BENISE (pronounced Buh-nes-say).  For Benise, music has always been a journey…from his humble beginnings as a street performer, to performing around the world. “I wanted to push the boundaries of traditional Nuevo Flamenco/Spanish guitar while combining the elements of dance and theater. This show is a celebration of Music, Love, and Life,”comments composer, virtuoso guitarist and creative force behind the event, BENISE.

‘The Prince of Spanish Guitar’  - Dancing With The Stars
Bennissimo!’ - Chicago News
‘Extreme Flamenco Fusion’ - Screen India
Since the age of eleven (when he received his first guitar), BENISE practiced relentlessly, completely self-taught, mastering a variety of different styles that were eventually to become his own unique sound. Though unable to read a singl...

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