Deep Sea Diver
Deep Sea Diver Dates
Thu Apr 3, 2025 - 7:00 PM
Teragram Ballroom, Los Angeles, CA
Fri Apr 11, 2025 - 8:00 PM
Wonder Ballroom, Portland, OR
Thu May 1, 2025 - 8:00 PM
Brighton Music Hall, Allston, MA
Fri May 2, 2025 - 8:00 PM

Deep Sea Diver Biography

“Wide awake, and I’m chasing after you”—exclaims a breathless Jessica Dobson, singer and multi-instrumentalist of Seattle’s Deep Sea Diver.  The lyric is one that best encapsulates the front woman’s bravado and fearlessness which dominates Deep Sea Diver’s forthcoming sophomore LP, Secrets—Out February 19th on their own High Beam records. In their desire to explore dualities, Deep Sea Diver urgently and deliberately move you from rock experimentation to dreamy soundscapes, Kraut-esque drum and bass grooves to angular danci-ness, and full fledged orchestration to bare bones simplicity.  Dobson has the voice and authority to tie it all together, and turn it into a cohesive unit that soars yet remains beautifully delicate and intimate.  Live, the band has received acclaim for their festival-ready power and presence, Jessica’s larger than life guitar hooks, and their cascading layers that build upon each other until they reach their explosive peak. 
In late 2013, Dobson...

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