Riley Green
Riley Green Dates
Thu Jun 12, 2025 - 7:00 PM
Pier Six Pavilion, Baltimore, MD

Riley Green Biography

If Riley Green isn’t strumming a six-string and singing, chances are you’ll find him dropping a line in the Ohatchee River, deep sea fishing in Orange Beach, AL, turkey hunting at his primitive camp in Arkansas, or deer hunting at his ‘Back 40 Bash’ property.  For this 6’4, blue-eyed, country crooner from Jacksonville, AL it’s not just a “Country State of Mind” - it’s a lifestyle. 
Riley has achieved an incredible amount of success for someone doing it all on their own.  Though you wouldn’t know it by talking to him, Green is as humble as they come,he has released three popular EP’s, stars in two TV shows (Winner of Redneck Island on CMT and his very own hunting show on DirtRoadTV), thousands of social media fans/followers, and has played across the southeast for the last 5 years to hordes of music lovers singing the words of his Alabama anthem (“Bury Me In Dixie”) back to him.  People don’t even realize Riley’s an accomplished musician when meeting him. ...

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