Reggie Watts
Reggie Watts Dates
Wed Apr 2, 2025 - 7:30 PM
The Pyramid Scheme, Grand Rapids, MI

Reggie Watts Biography

Reggie Watts, internationally renowned vocalist/ beatboxer/ musician/ comedian/ improvisor, amazes audiences with his unpredictable performances, which are created on-the-spot using only his formidable voice and looping pedals. Blending and blurring the lines between comedy and music with his unique lyrical style, LA Weekly calls Reggie ”the most wildly inventive new talent of the past five years.”
As a solo performer, Reggie was handpicked by Conan O’Brien to open nightly on Conan’s sold out North American “Prohibited From Being Funny on Television” tour. Reggie was crowned “Hot Comedian” by Rolling Stone, named SPIN Magazine’s “Best New Comedian” and “Best of CMJ” 2010, and a featured profile in GQ’s Man Of The Year issue 2010. Reggie released his debut comedy cd/dvd ‘Why $#!+ So Crazy?’ on Comedy Central Records in May 2010. He also released ‘Reggie Watts Live at Third Man Records’ in limited edition vinyl on Jack White’s Third Man Records label. Reggie’s most recent release ‘A Live


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