Kathleen Madigan
Kathleen Madigan Dates
Fri Mar 28, 2025 - 7:00 PM
Sat Apr 26, 2025 - 5:00 PM
Pabst Theater, Milwaukee, WI
Sat Apr 26, 2025 - 8:00 PM
Pabst Theater, Milwaukee, WI
Sat Mar 29, 2025 - 8:00 PM
Ovens Auditorium, Charlotte, NC

Kathleen Madigan Biography

For 28 years, comedian Kathleen Madigan has been touring 250 nights on the road and squeezing in hour-long filmed specials and performances on every late night show ever made. From 25 appearances on the Tonight Show and multiple appearances on Letterman and Conan to recently riding around with Jerry Seinfeld in his internet series "Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee," Madigan is still having a blast and selling out theaters across the country. 

Her most recent special "Bothering Jesus" is her fifth hour long standup special and will be her third special to be available on Netflix. "I love working with them. They're the young people. Network TV will need to adapt quickly to even have a chance to stay in the game. Netflix gets it and makes it so easy for us.  Instead of it being a battle of content and rules, it's just fun. What it's supposed to be," she says.  

So how is it, the Detroit Free Press asks, "that Madigan has yet to be cast as the wise cracking a) best frie...


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