Steel Panther
Steel Panther Dates

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Steel Panther Biography

This is not fake news. Right now, somewhere, some girl is taking her top off to the most anticipated album of 2017, Steel Panther’s fourth full-length studio album Lower the Bar. Steel Panther has established themselves as the world’s premier party band, melding hard rock virtuosity with parody and criminally good looks. Made up of Michael Starr (lead singer), Satchel (guitarist), Lexxi Foxx (bass), and Stix Zadinia (drums), the Los Angeles hair metal group does it again. They look good, they sound good and they’re in it for the pussy. The title Lower the Bar was the brainchild of Satchel. “Satchel suggested that I should lower the bar if I wanted to get laid more often,” says Michael. Lexxi disagrees, thinking Lower the Bar was so short people could also drink at bars. And Steel Panther hands it to them, alcoholic midgets, because they can’t reach over the counter. “It has so many meanings,” the band admits. “There’s really no situation you can’t apply Lower the Bar to.” It can be app...

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